Welcome to the MakeMovies Database.
MakeMovies Database is a resource for writers in three parts:
- The INDEX section is in alphabetical order and goes to Google links, where you can select from the returned pages. Alphabetical Index
- The SEARCH ENGINES section contains lists with common search terms on writing.
Some have Google links but most are in plain text and have a link which offers a list of popular Search engines.
This allows you to select the search term you want and then selecting the search engines link to see the variations returned from those links. - The GOOGLE LINKS page has roughly sorted categories which offer a good starting point for searching.
It is not strictly a database that offers specific links to advice, but one that points in the general direction of useful links.
For example, if you are interested in Screenwriting, you could Google that for links, but you might also check Scriptwriting, Writing for the movies, Writing for films, Writing for the small screen, Learning scriptwriting, etc. There will be many variations on these tags, and all would return different results.
There are also small blocks that you can copy and paste and adding your own terms to them. This helps you to make up your own lists.
Writing for
Writing for
Writing for
Writing for
Please Note: No responsibility can be accepted for any of the results returned from the links contained in this website.
Stan Hayward
Film/TV/Book Writer